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Oliver Cromwell 12:42 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
What happens when you let the worlds shit in

balders 12:51 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
Just another misunderstood poor soul

Wonder if he's family blame the government/police for not spotting he was a pedo killing cunt

stoneman 12:55 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
You can see now why the French are so keen to assist the migrants at Calais to get over to the UK!!

joey5000 12:57 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
Isn't it about time to ban Islam from the Western World?

Gavros 12:59 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
Time for a UAF rally, I'd say?

Scraper 1:01 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
It's incompatible with Western values so yes, should be outlawed. Oh, and wrapping them in rashers is too kind. *Feed* em to pigs.

Kearley 1:04 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
First the Germans, then the Micks. London will see this lot off too.

Oliver Cromwell 1:04 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
France like England have opened their doors to these people so not surprised at these attacks every few weeks

Just the norm now no sympathy

Eric Hitchmoe 1:07 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
"just the norm now no sympathy"

That will be some consolidation to the beheaded victim's family. Fuck 'em,

Darby_ 1:07 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
Stuff like this was happening in Northern Ireland not so long ago. Should we have banned the Irish?

Oliver Cromwell 1:08 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
Muslims should now be banned from Europe

Oliver Cromwell 1:09 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France

Yes we should off

Far Cough 1:12 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
They were hacking peoples heads off in Ireland?

Eric Hitchmoe 1:13 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
Hang on a minute, my hairdresser is Muslim (one of the good ones), does this mean he has to go?! Can anyone recommend a decent hairdresser round EC3 way?

Oliver Cromwell 1:13 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
Fuck knows who's advising these PM's in Europe can't they see all this points back to immigration

Wait till they have the numbers in Europe which is not long then all hell will break lose and that's when Isis will invade as well

SHORTYHAMMER 1:13 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
Religion of peace, lone wolf, Nothing to do with Islam,Its the Wests fault, Tony Blairs fault , israels fault, my fault your fault everybody else but Islams fault.

The Edmonton nutter that decapitated the old woman was a convert, something the press have decided to keep shtum about..only the Mail have spoke out.


Awaits Stirling HH Filth and gang to defend it.

Slowly slowly..

Tick tock.

Darby_ 1:20 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
Cough, that's why I said "stuff like this" rather than "people got their heads cut off in Northern Ireland."

Some of the things that went on in the Troubles were pretty horrific.

Far Cough 1:22 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
They were indeed but it was fought somewhat "cleaner" than what these nutters are doing

Feed Me Chicken 1:23 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
"known to the authorities" we need our own Guantanemo Bay for these cunts that are able to plot these things yet are able to walk around freely just because they haven't yet committed a crime!

Tick tock

stoneman 1:26 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
Anything for the weekend sir? need a shave?let me just get my cut throat razor.......cue head rolling on floor amongst hair clippings.

Fifth Column 1:27 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France

"The court heard how Salvador believed he was killing supernatural beings - including Adolf Hitler 'back from the dead' - when he began his killing spree in September last year."

"After the attack, the court heard how Salvador showed signs of mental illness, repeating phrases like 'red is the colour' and 'I am the king' over and over again. The jury was told how he believed Mrs Silva was a supernatural entity.

Psychiatrists concluded that Salvador - described in court as a 'decent man' - was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and was legally insane when Mrs Silva died. "

Also in Mail if you Google

"In 2012 he claimed he had converted to Islam and began preaching and attending mosques but later spoke about becoming a Buddhist."

How pathetic of you to use the tragic death of an innocent women at the hands of a paranoid schizo to make a political point.

Read the whole article, he was a nutter, neither the prosecution nor the defence at any point suggested his actions were influenced by religion.

I'm presuming you're capable of reading beyond a headline?

Who would "defend" a schizophrenic for murdering someone?

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